Global Gurus Updated List

The prestigious Global Gurus organization has updated their branding gurus list. There are some exciting names on the new list including fellow authors Al Ries, Dan Schawbel, and Jonah Berger. Most exciting for me is that the update has resulted in an increase in my personal ranking to number 5! Next up, working even harder to get into first place.

Here’s what Global Gurus had to say:

“Martin Lindstrom is sought after as a branding/marketing/keynote speaker and workshop leader by companies and organizations throughout the world… Lindstrom’s reputation for earning “a guaranteed standing ovation” at his compelling lectures on branding accompanies his popularity as an Advertising Consultant, keynote speaker, Branding Consultant, workshop leader and in-house trainer.”

See the full list and learn what impressive contributions individuals are making to the field of branding on the Global Gurus site.


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