Buyology has been updated with a whole new chapter on today’s economy and its impact on our buying responses. Today, Buyology is every bit the essential read for marketers and consumers, just as it was when first released in 2008. It delivers key insights into what really goes on inside our heads and makes us tick as consumers.
Why settle for one when you can also get the updated Brand Sense – Lindstrom’s 2005 best-seller. Brand Sense ensures you stay abreast of how and what the world’s most successful branding companies do differently – integrating touch, taste, smell, sight and sound into their brand touch-points – with sometimes startling results.
Buyology in Paperback Available Here
Brand Sense in Paperback Available Here
On Buyology: “A page-turner” – Newsweek
“Lindstrom dishes up results, alongside a buffet of past research, with clear writing and deft reasoning.” – Fast Company
“One of the 5 best marketing books – ever!” Wall Street Journal
On Brand Sense: “Lindstrom … has an encyclopedic knowledge of advertising history and an abundance of real-world business experience” – The Washington Post
“Martin Lindstrom, one of branding’s most original thinkers, reveals how to break out of the two-dimensional rut of sight and sound, and connect emotionally with all five senses. His book provides data and insights that will surprise even the most savvy brand watcher.” – Robert A. Eckert, CEO & Chairman, Mattel, Inc.